Hotline for Employee Inquiries

Why do you need a hotline for employee inquiries?

  • One of the most important and simplest tools for exposing embezzlement and fraud is by activating a hotline for employee inquiries.
  • Many studies in Israel and abroad have proven that operating a hotline that allows employees, vendors and customers to report suspicions of unusual events, including embezzlement and fraud, can help prevent embezzlement incidents, reduce the damage if embezzlement occurs, and detect the incident quickly.
  • Professional investigations conducted in companies, in which embezzlement occurred, indicate that there were usually people, employees, managers and position holders who suspected that a certain activity was improper, but in absence of a regulated mechanism, no report was forwarded to the professional entity and the embezzlement was not revealed.
  • Some companies operate an in-house hotline, while some corporations prefer to purchase external, professional, objective services that are able to receive reports, conduct investigations, identify loopholes in work processes and provide correction and prevention recommendations.

What advantages does the system have?

The “Kav Ham” hotline system for reporting suspicions of embezzlement and fraud is a unique system that allows:

  • To receive inquiries from employees, vendors and customers openly or anonymously.
  • To review complaints discreetly and objectively.
  • To carry out a professional investigation, including application of advanced work methods that incorporate internal controls, investigative audit, use of technological tools and computer systems.
  • To formulate an opinion for the management, recommendations for correction of deficiencies and prevention of recurrence of such cases.

How to file a complaint?

Filing a complaint is possible via several alternatives:

A dedicated email for employee inquiries (a separate email is set up for each registered corporation)

√ A dedicated website

√ A digital form

√ Via an app – mobile



The “Kav Ham” hotline system for employee complaints is managed and operated by AUDIT-INT LTD and by Mr. Doron Yunisi who is the owner and manager of a boutique office that specializes in areas of internal audit, investigative audit, risk management and prevention of embezzlement and fraud.

The “Kav Ham” system provides professional services only to registered corporations, public and private companies, associations, local authorities and municipal corporations

Companies who want to join the system click here

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